Saturday 28 April 2018

Typographic Designs

For further development I experimented with an alternative approach using purely typographic elements. The first example shows a typographic design for the flag designed using my own typeface I created in Excel. The colours use a range of shades of the hue grey ranging from dark to light. Harmonising alternative hues works well aesthetically. 

Initial Idea 1

This colour scheme offers a slight twist on the generic black and gold colour scheme often associated with my micro-genre, pop reggaeton. The layout of this composition works well and is very fitting for the context as it can be related to a single stripe seen in some European flags. 

Initial Idea 2 

This idea uses layout again in a context relating to European flags. Using a purely tonal colour scheme which works well to harmonise all the typographic elements. This layout effectively uses contrast between negative space and typography to produce an interesting outcome. 

Initial Idea 3 

For further development could this design experiment with a contrast between my own type and existing typefaces. Perhaps also using a more high contrast colour scheme. 

Initial Idea 4

These ideas experiment with creating a pattern with larger scaled type and use the colour scheme of the Spanish flag making reference to pop reggaeton's heritage. The other example uses a generic colour scheme associated with 'reggae' red green and yellow.

Initial Idea 5

This idea plays with the idea of a slanted type baseline in the layout of this design. A slanted baseline type layout can be seen on many existing pop reggaeton album covers. This could be developed further by finding a more suitable colour scheme.  

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