Sunday 22 April 2018

JCard Initial Ideas

Using a template I started developing initial ideas for a JCard template. Using techniques such as extreme crop and again attempting to visualise the idea of censored.

Although after peer feedback tried to broaden the visual style by using alternative colour schemes, such as contrasting colours green and pink or navy and yellow. 

Although in my opinion the generic colour scheme is effective and works best to visualise the style and common theme of the genre. These designs aim to visualise texture and simplicity. 

Facts that inspired the design:5 Facts - Vocals include rapping and singing, typically in Spanish.- A musical genre which originated in Puerto Rico during the late 1990s.- It is influenced by hip hop and Latin American and Caribbean music. - In 2002, Senator González led public hearings to regulate the sexual “slackness” of reggaeton lyrics.- The new genre, simply called “underground”, had explicit lyrics about drugs, violence, poverty, friendship, love and sex 

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