Sunday 29 April 2018

JCard & Flag Development

JCard Front

JCard Inside 

This idea develops a high contrast two colour design black and red to capture the explicit censored nature by using a contrasting colour or red type. The design also uses characters I created by making my own typeface to act as the censored pixelated shapes. The imagery references pop reggaetons heritage and link to Puerto Rico. The photo also references crime in this area to act as an explicit image that could be censored. The enlarged type characters hide explicit elements of the image such as guns and weapons carried by the Police. 


Once I have received peer feedback I will decide which of these two designs I want to develop. This will push further development into decided whether or not to include imagery or keep the design purely typographic. Peer feedback will enable me to make this decision more effectively and be more decisive  and ensure I make the appropriate decision for further development. 

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