Monday 16 April 2018

Designing the Flag : Initial Research

The Sign

Pictograms – warn guide and protect must be immediately decipherable. Internationally recognisable and independent of culture

Analysing a sign

Made by 2x2 grid
3 horizontal and vertical lines

How can a sign be made different?

Consider how a sign can communicate a meaning such as:
Object -  C3
Container - C2
Protection - G7
Beginning - A4
End - F3

Forms can be open or closed or both open and closed or have no connection. No connections are not signs because they are not one figure form.

Study of Signs and Meanings

Semantics: relationship between signs and things they refer to
Syntax: relations among or between signs
Pragmatics: relation between signs and sign users

Signs are dependent on context knowledge society and culture.

Signs are:
-       Indicative
-       Imperative
-       Influential  

Basic Signs:

The Square

The Triangle
Offers stability and the idea of being grounded

The Circle
Feelings can be addressed strongly by the circle

The arrow
More influence on a vertical play

The cross
An embodiment of symmetry

Otl Aicher : Olympic icons
-       Created using a grid
-       Intent on the event
-       Radical different visual identity than the 1936 Games
-       Resultant in a modern colourful look
-       Fashion a universal pictogram language
-       Universal and timeless

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