Monday 16 April 2018

Aicher's Grid Creating symbols : Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas use Aicher's 45 degree grid to create symbols with knowledge from my research into Pop Reggaeton. Taking into account existing generic shapes for symbols such as circles triangles and a square. Using a range of digital programmes such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop inclusive of hand rendered drawings. 

Initial hand drawn sketches 

Initial Symbols created in Photoshop

Initial Symbols created in Illustrator

Group Crit Feedback

- Could you experiment further with alternative strokes 
- Perhaps experiment with flipping positive and negative space 
- Could I add any tonal qualities to the symbols  

Feedback received enabled me to consider alternative approaches and ways of further developing the symbols created using Aicher's grid. Using alternative strokes will create a sense of depth and perhaps give a more three dimensional feel to the symbols. Flipping the symbols between both positive and negative space or choosing to choose one can help to create a range of alternative outcomes. Whilst shading in some shapes could also create a pixelated aesthetic and again a 3D quality.

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