Friday 19 October 2018

Ways of Seeing - John Berger

- The way we see things is affected by what we know or believe.

- We never look at one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves.

- An image is a sight which has been recreated or reproduced. It is an appearance, or a set of appearances, which has detached from the place and time in which it first made an appearance and preserved.

- Every image embodies a way of seeing.

- An image can outlast what it represented; the showed how it once looked.

- Freed the boundaries from time and space. 

- Taking away the uniqueness of an image changes the meaning, or multiplies this into several meanings. 

- Information carries no special authority within itself.

- Publicity is the culture of the consumer society. It propagates through images that society's belief in itself.

- Publicity is in essence, nostalgic.

- In language there is historical, moral, or poetic references.

- Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion. 

- Capitalism survives by forcing the majority, whom it exploits, to define their own interests as narrowly as possible. This was once achieved by extensive deprivation. Today in the developed countries it is achieved by imposing a false standard of what is and what is not desirable.

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