Wednesday 17 October 2018

Further Research : 500 Handmade Books

"In this digital age handmade books are being recognised as vessels of humanised content" Steve Miller

Researching existing handmade books inspired ideas for my own publication. This encouraged me to consider elements of production such as paper stock and binding techniques. Cynthia Lollis' design has inspired me to experiment with cut outs and consider could alternative materials such as acetate be contained within the publication. The shape accordion binding was also engaging due to the sense of interactivity it engages more with the reader. 

Whereas Steven Hendrick's long stitch binding technique gives the publication a more handmade aesthetic which is interesting but doesn't necessarily fit to the digital element of my own publications concept. Anita's publication with the wrap around cover is an interesting approach to production that I would like to experiment with as this could possibly be more fitting of my own concept. 

Pamela S.Gibson also inspired my design decisions through her use of handmade paper and use of the wet embossing technique. I would like to experiment with both paper stock and embossing and debossing of typography on my own publication. Diane Jacobs technique of using cut outs and negative space throughout the publication creates a more engaging aesthetic. This technique could be used throughout my own publication to visualise and communicate the concept of texts through a phone screen. 

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