Saturday 13 October 2018

The Brief : Design for Print


Studio Brief 1 – Design for print

Brief title / working title
Intoxication. The Morning After
Short description of publication (purpose)
Explore the concept of intoxication derived from excessive alcohol consumption.

The approach should be light-hearted. Explore the idea further by basing the publication on the morning after a night out. This can be engaging through humour, production techniques or both. The content should be relatable to the audience.

Target reader / audience (include reasons)

References/Competition (3 titles)
(USP, bookshop section, other points of sale)
Tove Jeppsson Bohlin - Making Variable - An act of reading Positioning

Must take a humorous relatable approach. The book aims to evoke a positive emotive response. On sale in bookshops locatable in the funny humour and entertainment section.

Price point
TBC after production
Format/Production Considerations
-       Consider how either imagery or type can explore the concept of intoxication?
-       Can alcohol be used in some way during productions?
-       What objects can be associated in some way with intoxication?
-       Does the publication need to be bound?

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