Friday 26 October 2018

11 Graphic : Graphic Ha Ha


Marti Guixe

Your work seems varied. What do you most enjoy working with?
My work is varied because I work with ideas, and these can take any shape, material and context. 

What's your favourite material?

What about design philosophy?
I try to be radically contemporary. 

Mick Bunnage & John Link from Modern Toss

Some people are a bit thick - myself included - but I see your work as quality one-liners 
It's funny, when we started out we got quite a lot of emails from people who thought we were a bunch of kids, and we sort of encouraged that idea. We liked the idea of a bunch of kids doing some poor drawings and coming up with really blunt sharp jokes. It's funny. 

Alex Rich studied Visual Communication at Ravensbourne

What kind of student where you?
Design education is a weird one, as often it is very subjective as to what works and what does not. I eventually became interested in non-visual communication and the parallels to the problems of visually dominant culture. It helped me define a way of working. 

Do you ever struggle to explain your design work or ideas to others, such as clients, friends or journalists?
It depends on whether they are genuinely interested in what is being discussed. It can be interesting to struggle with explaining things. The scary situation is when you are impressed with how articulate you were and to then read the interview pondering as to the convoluted result. 

Did anyone ever take any of your jokes the wrong way?
I am very bad at remembering jokes, which helps in such a scenario.

Peter Arkle: I wish I was 007

Is there such a thing as intelligent or stupid humour?
Some humour can actually be too intelligent, the type where you find yourself telling someone, "this is funny", but you aren't actually laughing. I think The Simpsons is like this. It's really clever and I'm glad for it's politics, but I rarely laugh out loud. I am too used to it. I remember once upon a time I thought "The table's my bed" was the funniest thing ever. 

Kristian Bauthus: Party Animals 

Did anyone ever take any of your jokes badly?
Yeah. I have no decency, so I tend to cross all sorts of lines to offend people. But you know what they say: you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. 

Susanna Carvello and Kai Bernau 

Do you laugh at your own jokes? How loud?
I giggle. Yes. Not only very loud but I'm also often the only one laughing.

Andrea Dezso: Uncensored 

Do you have a sense of humour? If so, what kind?
I tend to enjoy irreverent,dark,dry humour.

Other Examples:

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