Tuesday 16 October 2018

Production Considerations & Experiments

What is the book communicating?
The book aims to communicate a comedy persona through the context of being drunk explored through drunk texts. The book communicates this visually through layout, type setting and placement. Alongside the physical dimensions or scale of the book referencing phone size. The book also engages the reader by them being able to engage with the type through its unique placement.

The book can also communicate and engage with the audience through the idea of relating and recognition. The target audience 18-30 can relate to the context in some way before they even read the content. 

What's the message?
Create a comedy persona through a publication a wide audience can relate to. 

Why is it important?
The book has an important feel good factor. Using humour to create a positive feel good emotion the morning after when emotions people feel are usually the opposite. 

Explore the concept of intoxication derived from excessive alcohol consumption.
The approach should be light-hearted or use a comedy persona. Explore the idea further by basing the publication on the morning after a night out. This can be engaging through humour, production techniques or both. The content should be relatable and engaging to the audience.

Production considerations

Stock print method binding method mock ups / experiments (evaluate)
finishes commercial considerations

Access to resources Preparing documents to be sent to print 

Any considerations in regards to print methods (digital or offset)

Understanding colour/ink and related standards and systems (CMYK, Pantone, etc.) 

Identifying spot colour,

Spot varnish

Die cut, 



What printers will be expecting - marks, bleeds, etc


- Photocopy mock up idea on acetate 
- Create my own grid
- Foiling with large typography 
- Dip publication in alcohol / with a drop of red wine 
- Print on black paper
- Create interesting grids for the placement of type 
- Use cut out shapes on pages to reveal typography 

Creating my own grid 

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