Saturday 13 October 2018

Conventions of a Book

Content > Concept > Form - Production

-       Every book starts with an idea
-       There are so many books that exist - how your design can be original or stand out
-       Ideally all books start as a question
-       Reinvent & Rethink
-       Consider editing, purpose and alternative direction
-       Content is the source of information
-       Design and content go hand in hand
-       Think who and what you are communicating
-       Are the design decisions justified?
-       Consider typography, page layout and structure
-       Be ambitious
-       Irma Boom creates commercial not artist books - looking into production
-       Challenge conventions e.g. big type
-       Content involves research and understanding to create a concept
-       Critically analyse aesthetic and concept
-       Content > Concept > Form - Production
-       Engage with research to inform content

Visual Editions – Tree of codes
-       Plays with form
-       Uses die cutting
-       Removing information in production gives a new narrative

-       Unfold pages
-       Immersive book
-       Emotive response

Questions to consider:
Where does the book exist?
What space are you reading the book?
Are there any restrictions? – read alone or with friends?
Think how, why and where?
What are you communicating?
What is the platform for communication?

Production inspired ideas:
-       Book contained within a phone box (no set form)
-       Dip in alcohol relating to the initial context
-       Create a reveal book – cut out iPhone or rectangle (screen window) to reveal texts
-       Drunk you forget things – could type or elements of book be missing to visualise this?

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