Thursday 31 January 2019

Collaborative SB2 : Logo & Business Card : Production & Evaluation

Preparing the mockups for print and finish

After the second collaborative meeting with the client where stock and finishes where discussed we came to the decision of applying a silver foil finish to some of the type and logo and a matt finish would be most suitable whilst also adding a higher quality professional finish to the business cards which the client initially requested. These mock ups will be printed and presented to the client for feedback before printing the final larger batch of fifty business cards. These mockups will also show the most effective design for the reverse side of the business card also based upon feedback from the client. 

After Print & Finishing

Unfortunately the foil finishing method did not take to the dark grey background due to it containing particles of black. Printing a coloured background also restricted the aesthetic quality and i was not happy with the finish. After getting in contact again with the client to relay my concerns with the dark background and selected finish we came to the conclusion to get rid of the coloured background print the type in black so the foil could be applied to where it was intended. Photos of the initial mock ups can be seen below. After this first print appropriate modifications were made as seen in the developments.  


Final Outcome


The final outcome worked really well. The stock background as the developed design worked effectively presented the silver foil finish, in contrast to the black and white photography on the back. The client agreed and loved the finished outcome.

However initially applying the foil encountered some problems due to the printer ink not drying and the heat foil method. The heat applied meant the back image was manipulated by the cover stock needed to put the business card through the laminator. This was later resolved by waiting longer for the ink to dry and applying tracing paper between the business card and the stock.   

Overall the finished outcome worked well after production problems were resolved. The stock background the client agreed was actually a better outcome to the dark background. The client did prefer the developed final outcome as opposed to her initial thoughts and ideas. 

The foil finish was effective in meeting the brief mainly due to achieving the professional finish the client desired. Collaborative discussion and feedback throughout the design process helped to produce the most successful end result. This brief and project has also offered further networking opportunities as after seeing the finished outcome the client’s friend and another student at LAU would now like me to design and produce her business cards.  

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