Monday 14 January 2019

Collaborative SB2 : Client Brief Meeting with the Client

Meeting with the client 

We discussed modifications, print finishes and decided upon the format to refine further. The client agreed that a foiled finish on her initial would appeal to her and agreed to appropriate print considerations surrounding this, like having an off black not a solid black background. However I will print some mock ups quickly to show variations of stock and finish to show the client the difference between just being printed and printed with a finish. 

Further refinements include incorporating the clients email phone and instagram with a symbol instead of the full word. The back of the business card will also incorporate some of the client's work as discussed in todays meeting. The client selected a range of photos she would like to appear on her design, development will show which image is best suited to the business card format.

Photos selected collaboratively:

To Do

- Symbol instead of full word for : instagram, email and phone 
- Add a photo to the back of the card from the ones we selected

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