Friday 11 January 2019

Chaosmos Workshop : Image Relationships

Create a series if 3 images to be presented simultaneously conveying the theme of humour. Work in groups combining skills to produce images. 

Theme: Humour

What is humour?
'A mood or state of mind'
'Quality of being amusing in lit or speech'

Points discussed:
- Not everybody has the same state of mind e.g. dad jokes, Christmas crackers 
- Ethnic banter e.g. Hitler jokes 
- Slap stick
- When things go wrong 
- Chat up lines 
- Comic strips 
- Knock knock jokes 
- Combining different things e.g. shark head on a giraffe drawn
- Squashed face on a scanner - drawn/collage
- Memes gifs and emoji stories 
- Falling down the stairs - satire - when is something funny?

Our idea: Capture different peoples reactions to bad jokes 

Group edits 

Final outcome 

My edit 

Group discussion led onto development:

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