Wednesday 23 January 2019

SB1 : Creative Pool Absolut Brief : Evaluation

The brief met the requirements and format of a full silhouette. Whilst also meeting the bold, creative and inviting attributes of Absolut’s brand personality. The designs focus on contemporary culture makes it a lovely tribute to Belfast and the people of Belfast. 

Feedback received confirmed the  design was effective amongst a wide audience and met the brief’s requirements. Further research into the brand created a theme to explore relevant to the brand attributes. Whilst in depth research into the building of Titanic and contemporary building of Titanic Quarter informed design decisions aesthetically combining past and present history. This produced a creative outcome informed by knowledge and a refined theme. 

The minimal block colour style containing imagery to create texture created an outcome with interesting opportunities within production. Including considerations to combine transparent glass in contrast to frosted glass. This would create an interesting texture and aesthetic quality to the design. Encouraging future designs to consider production throughout the design and finishing process. The block colour also created a unique layout and format for imagery and typography. Halving the bottle created a grid hierarchy the elements such as type and imagery are positioned within. Producing a contemporary colourful outcome with a minimal style. The block colour creates a point of difference against competitors and existing designs. Feedback received demonstrated the final outcome was successful and met the requirements set out by the brief. 

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