Saturday 26 January 2019

Preparing Responsive Pitch : Bangor Optometrists

The Presentation Slides

The Pitch 

The Problem
Most of the competitors branding at a glance are unrecognisable as an optician’s without reading the full sign. This created a problem to solve through the design branding Bangor Optometrist’s.

Incorporating an image logo of an eye, unique to Bangor Optometrist’s into the typography that even at a quick glance can make the business’ purpose recognisable to passers-by.

The client initially wanted a script stylised design. However, this soon changed with research into existing brands such as Howard Street, the client preferred this non-script clean style type and format. With reference to this research a refined design was inspired and reinterpreted the aesthetic of Howard Street’s branding. Initial Ideas aimed to refine the client’s vision visually by combining both script and sans serif typefaces.

Initial Ideas
Having not had much direction to go off from the client, these ideas vary in style to refine the client’s vision. It was important to generate a range of ideas in different styles to do so.  I did create my own script stylised typeface used in some of the ideas shown. Generating these ideas was difficult at this stage due to the name of the practice still undecided. For further development the name ‘Bangor Optometrists’ was confirmed, and this made it easier to refine the design.

Design Development
The development of this brief was to create stationary fitting of the brand. This includes a letterhead, compliment slip, business card and voucher/mailer. 

The design uses a similar format to the sign but also incorporates the enlarged image-based logo as a trademark on the letterhead and compliment slip. This makes the design even more unique to the business.

Final Outcome
The outcome meets the briefs main requirements of being ‘clear and legible.’ This was also recognised by the client as the clearest and most legible sign in the location of the practice.

The reverse contrast colour scheme makes the sign and typography as legible as possible. The high contrast monochrome colour scheme with single colour was effective. Due to the single colour creating a focal point to the logo incorporated into the typography. Resolving the problem identified at the beginning of the design process. The logo even at a glance makes the business recognisable as an Optician’s.

The production process has been difficult due to this being my first experience with external print and online print companies. This was difficult due to not seeing the stock or printer used for the job or how the finish was applied. Vistaprint’s metallic finish and stock was dreadful, however Moo’s stock and spot UV worked well. Although the scaling of the business card needs to be enlarged within the template for the next print job. It was resized slightly to ensure it was not cropped.

Client Feedback
“I am delighted with the design used for my new company and logo. The colour schemes used in the design make the sign the clearest on the street, which when you are providing eye care for the visually impaired is of key importance. The ‘O’ as the eye and the colour really work well and mirrors an iris. The fact the image logo was then incorporated into the stationary as a type of watermark makes the stationary unique, a key feature of the business ethos throughout.”

To Summarise 

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·      After writing up a brief initial research highlighted a problem for the design and branding to resolve
·      Competitors branding was unrecognisable as an optician at a glance without reading the entire sign
·      The solution to this problem was to incorporate and image-based logo into the branding and typography.

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·      With initial research focusing on the script typeface aesthetic liked by the client. Initial ideas aimed to combine this style with sans serif type to refine the client’s vision.
·      Further research into other existing brands such as Howard Street demonstrated experimentation in a completely different style, which was incorporated into further development.

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·      Ideas varied in style to refine the client’s vision visually.
·      My own script style typeface was also created and included in some of these ideas paired with existing typefaces.
·      Generating these ideas was difficult at this stage due to the name of the practice still undecided
·      For further development the name ‘Bangor Optometrists’ was confirmed, and this made it easier to refine the design.

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·      The brand was further developed by producing a range of stationary including, a business card, letterhead, business card and a voucher/mailer.
·      The design of the stationary incorporated the image-based logo enlarged as a trademark on the letterhead and compliment slip.

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·      The outcome meets the most important requirements set out by the brief of being ‘clear and legible.’ Confirmed by client feedback stating the sign is the most legible sign in its location.
·      The reverse contrast monochrome colour scheme hugely benefited legibility.
·      The single colour logo created a focal point, and the logo at a glance makes the business recognisable as a practice.

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·      The production process was difficult due to it being my first experience with external print and online print companies.
·      It was difficult due to a range of factors such as not seeing the stock, printer used, finish applied or the appearance of the finish before it was printed.
·      Vistaprint’s stock quality and metallic finish was dreadful as opposed to Moos spot UV finish which worked well and was printed on better quality stock.
·      The scaling of the business card was not quite right once inserted into the template it was resized to ensure it wasn’t cropped. However, this will be resolved and amended before printing the final large batch.

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·      Client feedback was very positive the client said, “I am delighted with the design used for my new company and logo. The colour schemes used in the design make the sign the clearest on the street, which when you are providing eyecare for the visually impaired is of key importance. The ‘O’ as the eye and the colour really work well and mirrors an iris. The fact the image logo was then incorporated into the stationary as a type of watermark makes the stationary unique, a key feature of the business ethos throughout.” 

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