Monday 5 March 2018

Refined Ideas : Penguin Competition

Idea 1 - Orbit of white light  

Idea 2 - History of time 

These are the two ideas I refined and developed further to decide which idea was most effective and met the requirements of the brief to the highest standard. I was torn between both designs because idea 1 had a very strong concept and background link to Physics through white light dispersion visualised through colour and a clever layout with an abstract approach using shapes to represent planets orbiting. 

Whereas idea 2 has a classy sophisticated style. Idea 2 also created a more intriguing or interesting approach to typography. The type layout was manipulated and less uniform generic in terms of layout. Comparing these two designs in terms of attributes such as type enabled me to make the decision as to which final design to select for submission. 

I came to the conclusion the second idea was stronger, with a stronger element and consideration towards type. Idea 2 was also more visually consistent. I will now await further feedback of the Student Design Competition 2018 from Penguin Random House.   

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