Friday 9 March 2018

Further Development of 'Lost' Publication

Initially after researching existing publications I developed the first mock up of the 26 objects publication. This publication takes main references from existing publications such as 'shit plug' , Steve hockett, Chris Harnen and DR ME FIN zine. These are just a few example publications and designer's who have inspired my own working practice reflective through my own publications. 

Initially the publication layout format was an A5 book, although when the publication was bound to experiment further with existing and new bookbinding skills I have acquired I began to encounter some problems. Due to the thickness of the publication and the varied combination of paper stock made it difficult to bind in my selected method of pamphlet stitching. Therefore, I decided staple binding probably would have been more effective for this publication and would offer a solution to the problem. However staple binding would take away from the handmade style approach I wanted to portray through the publication. 

Initial Idea before further development: 

After reflecting on problems solutions and the aesthetic of the final outcome I wasn't completely happy with it. I thought the idea may be linked more creatively to the context and background of the idea may produce a more refined better aesthetic to the publication which I'd be far happier with. I took inspiration for the development of this publication from concertina binding. 

This inspired further development of the layout by my own interpretive creative approach to this binding technique. The layout originally places each image into a square to fit the idea of being lost into a square shape that recurs in a folded map. This is because a map is an item most people think of when they hear the word lost. On the other hand a map is also considered a useful item to help find the way. 

The handmade type was also more fitting as it added another personal handmade approach which formed the main basis and style concept I wanted to achieve through this publication. The string also added a nice aesthetic approach to this style. The developed idea also worked best with just folding techniques used binding it with grey board and buckram would take away from the quirky style of the publication. 

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