Thursday 29 March 2018

Intentions of Graphic Design Practice

Design can be used to influence users’ behaviour.
Our everyday lives are full of examples of Graphically designed products, systems and environments which have been designed to shape, guide or control and influence our behaviour, using a wide range of techniques: technological, physical or psychological.
Intended commercial benefit is a major reason behind this; intended social benefit can be too. Sometimes the behaviour-shaping is helpful to the user; sometimes it’s serving someone else against the user’s best interests. Sometimes it’s trying to get the user to do something; sometimes it’s trying to stop the user doing something.
The common factor to all of this is intent on the part of the designer involves creating design that’s intended to influence or result in certain user behaviour.
It's Nice That : Despite Intentions Exhibition 
'Despite Intensions is an exhibition documenting the architectural landscape of southern California. The work has been carried out by John Divola and Amir Zaki, colleagues and contemporaries, separated by a generation but both intent on timely excavation of their surroundings. Divola, whose Collapsed Structures have a romantic sort of entropy, presents time as a fictive thing. Zaki, in turn presents so much visual information in one image as to render them too real, symbolic of time as an idea of something more then we’ll ever be able to comprehend, as fiction or otherwise. It runs until October 29 at the Angles Gallery in Los Angeles.'

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