Friday 23 March 2018

Blank Tape : Electronic Cassette Culture

Experimental avant garde music has always wanted to experiment through alternative mediums such as through peripheral channels. Where in the past often hand painted records where handed out at concerts. Independent labels with creativity instead of money to burn used cassettes as an available alternative which was more affordable and a more immediate medium to release music on. 
In the past DIY cassette culture was originally more centrally based on punk and hip hop culture, electronic music producers are now exploiting the analogue texture of tape for its sonic qualities too. 

- As a format cheap to produce 

- Very popular in experimental music 

- Encourages DIY approach 

- First brought electronic music out in this form 

- As many people buying cassettes now as in 1987

- The system and mechanical aspect has it's own sound 

- Gives a muddiness atmosphere and sense of distortion

- Sounds appreciated more than if it was playing through a computer 

- Tape has a history of interesting packaging 

- Tapes can be turned into small artificials 

- The artwork and printing and production is experimental - great crossover within art forms 

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