Monday 19 March 2018

OUGD404 End of Module Evaluation

I enjoyed this module it really helped me gain insight into different approaches within book cover design. It also enabled me to explore new techniques. It also enabled me to research and explore important elements such as grids and colour recorded through a publication. I do believe this module has enabled me to develop and progress through my own work there is notable progress in my design boards and research work. This module also encouraged to exploration of different media approaches through my own image generation using excel and word. 

The briefs set out were relevant and appropriate to develop my skills and improve my design work. I did  well to balance my workload and manage my time, regularly updating my blog with research and reflection on my work. I also had time to design a cover for the Penguin competition.  Although I would of preferred to spend more time on this if it hadn't been for ongoing modules. I was pretty pleased with the end design due to the short time constraints, I think it was successful. Having mini informal crits with my peers really helped my work develop. 

I also think I have fulfilled a good learning potential as I feel my work really progressed during this module. The new image generation and research skills have really helped me to progress on the course. The tutors again gave me great support during this module and couldn’t have been any more helpful. The assessment criteria were clearly explained and explained closer to submission which was a good reminder. The Library and Print resources were very helpful especially during production and printing of the coves. I was able to print the cover spreads on a fibre based paper which was similar to buckram. I thought this material would give a more finished aesthetic rather than matt or silk finished paper. As the fibre textured paper is similar to the material used in bookbinding or buckram. This materials common use is for bookbinding or covers, so gave a nice finish to my designs. This could be put into context by covering copies of the book I have at home with my own designs. 

I spent quite a bit more on printing and materials for this module but found this essential to develop and progress my ideas further. I was pleased with the outcomes for this module as the designs challenge basic book conventions with the visual poetry style consistently across the design. This made the blurb more interesting whilst challenging basic layout conventions. 

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