Friday 16 March 2018

Publications Final Critique

Final feedback received acknowledged small improvements I knew I should try and make given I had more time to add final refinements to the finished publication. The feedback highlighted to experiment with a different joining method or if the publication could be made without any joining method at all. 

This was the goal however it did not work with the size and format of the publication. The length of the publication meant it could not be created on a bigger scale meaning there would be no need to join the publication. However, due to the publication being double sided and the concept being a pocket sized map meant a larger scale would not work for this publication. 

It was also noted the relatable objects captured using photography were not well explained in the rationale so this was tweaked and altered. Other positive feedback acknowledged how the map and personal thoughts gave the publication an engaging interaction through narrative and a sense of personality. 

The type kerning was also varied to visualise the distorted range of emotion people experience while lost. The idea of type following a path also works well to harmonise with the rest of the design keeping it consistent, whilst also visualising a journey through the element of type. 

Feedback discussed how the choice of colour created from colour swatches of the original photography also worked well to create consistency within the design. With both some refinements and positive feedback received I have acknowledged how to improve the publication. 

To further improve the publication I will see if I can shrink the map to reduce the size of the publication to avoid joins taking away from the aesthetic of the publication. 

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