Monday 19 November 2018

Stephanie Bell : Visiting Professional

Design for screen

Who are you creating for?
What is the persona?
Where does work sit contextually work now and before?
Is work relevant and reflective?

Digitally native - we have grown up with technology and phones, will keep growing even more for newer generations.

Piczo - popular site that gained 10 million views a month

We spend on average 2 and a half hours on hour phone, its probably more. It will continue to get more and more inclusive.

Start with mobile version then scale up the design version.

Because of phones we are aware of good and bad UX. e.g. Deliveroo
How easy is it to use? 
Is there anything to stop you using it?
The clearer something is the better the UX? 

AB testing - two versions of website two screens with different colours tested with a specific number of users. 

Social Chain

Stephanie's Production Process:
Brief comes in  
Ideation & decision 
Low fidelity wireframes 
High fidelity wireframes/version one 

Low fidelity wireframe - initial sketch 
Phone outline 
Rectangle for screen - rectangle boxes for fields 
High fidelity wireframe - contains content, stock images and or lorem ipsum placeholder text.

Illustrator and XD 
Free trial of Sketch
Sketch mirror - enables you to view your design on your phone - rescale 

What makes a good app?
Something clean and minimal - paired down colour palette, clean and crisp fonts. Do what it's meant to do quickly. 

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