Friday 16 November 2018

Existing Applications

After thinking of a personal problem to influence an idea. I found a problem for long distance couples watching a movie is often timing and chatting at the same time. The solution to this I will attempt to design an extension for the popular streaming site Netflix incorporating a sync feature for couples that allows couples to sync film or episodes. This means timings will be the same for both users. 

The design could be enhanced by including more features. Such as a rated couples recommended option, where each couple only sees recommended films both of them have already liked - possibly 'Couples Watch Library.' Couples would swipe through film titles and genres and heart the ones they like matched films/series will go into the 'Couples Watch Library.' Other features could include some way to connect to social media, or having a chat or video conference feature included. 

Research found there are existing applications already trying to solve this problem, but perhaps it is more useful produced as an extension rather than as an individual app. This is what I will aim to design through an extension of the existing Netflix application with design references to features and layout coming from existing apps seen below and existing live stream applications or software.

Rabbit App


Let's Gaze 

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