Wednesday 28 November 2018

Development : High Fidelity Wireframe

After recieveing further feedback I initially sketched out further development of the Netflix    ROOM extension. In the format of a low fidelity wireframe, which was later developed digitally. The development included making the extension appropriate for a wider audience. Initially the design focused on couples now the extensions persona is accessible and usable to friends, family and couples. 

The wireframe story board aims to demonstrate how the user would navigate through the enhanced features such as, personalised profiles and film matching, connect with contacts and video call. The tone of voice aims to follow the clean and consistent existing style used by Netflix but still be recognisable as an extension. It was essential the extension did not try to rebrand Netflix.

The wireframe sketches were essential as Netflix can be viewed on a browser or on a larger screen such as a laptop or tablet. This meant it was important the design could be appropriately scaled up from the mobile version. The larger dimensions also affected the layout. Sketches enabled making the design appropriate across a range of screen sizes. After sketching out developments these were then produced digitally, before producing high-fidelity wireframes. 

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