Tuesday 13 November 2018

Observing the User Experience

Success for the end users is...
A products end user experience is the counter-stone to its success. A good user experience doesn’t guarantee success, but a bad one nearly always leads quickly to failure.

A product is functional if the people using it consider it useful. Users expect a product to do a set of things. To be considered useful, it needs to be able to do them.

People value their time, so speed and ease of operation are important. The traditional perspective measures how quickly someone can preform a task in a given situation with the smallest number of errors.

Desirability is the least tangible aspect of a good user experience. Desire is an emotional response to an interaction of multiple factors. 

Usability and Design 
Ultimately usability is good design. That’s not to say all good design is usable, since there are things that are well designed from one facet that are not usable. Despite all marketing efforts products that are hard to use are likely to not get used. People faced with an unusable product will most likely be unable to do what they need to quick enough and be unhappy. Occasionally a product will be unique and people will excuse usability problems for the sake of functionality. For example medical records are incredibly hard to use, but need to maintain high standards of readability, security and robustness.

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