Monday 12 November 2018

Design for Screen

Create an immersive engaging screen based experience - a website or app

Consider :
- client
- problem
- target audience (persona)
- aim

A persona is a representation of an audience.

Think about
- goals
- motivation
- background
- quotes
- bio

Global - digital formats are viewed on a global scale
Mixed media

Could the design be an extension and work in an existing brand framework

Google chrome ad blocker
Instagram boomerang

Think what cannot exist physically but can through a digital experience
Can the app enhance a visitor experience?
Can it solve a problem?
Work in existing brand framework?
What is appropriate and has an impact on the audience?

A Brief
Design boards
Finished outcomes - prototypes
500 word evaluation

What is the topic?
Who is the audience?
What does a screen response need to include?
Research Design for screen data & statistics

The Process
- The brief
- Research
- Low fidelity wireframes (sketches)
- Feedback
- Workup wireframes
- Feedback
- Flashing out - add content
- Feedback
- Refinement from Feedback
- Pass onto developer.

Initial ideas
Extension of WhatsApp - long distance relationship notification to video chat partner at set time
A Netflix extension for watching movies together
An app that scans or detects food in your fridge by date

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