Monday 5 November 2018

Final Crit Feedback

Receiving feedback against the learning outcomes was useful to ensure production considerations meet the requirements of the brief. The feedback received has since helped me to appropriately refine the publication. Feedback also highlighted different approaches and production methods to consider and test within the production process for my final publication. 

Presenting the mock up also helped to establish whether other student understood the context and design decisions made so far, for example layout. Layout, type and scale was clearly justified by both research and context however stock, colour and the binding methods needed to be more carefully considered. 

This was due to certain limitations with the current method. However, the solution was using an alternative method, saddle stitch binding using staples. Which resolved all issues surrounding perfect binding the publication, such as the page being unable to open flat. Feedback received established the high contrast single colour was an interesting way to challenge legibility. However, a black cover with white stock and a monochrome colour scheme creates greater high contrast. This would be more effective in visualising the legibility a reader needs more clarity the morning after. 

This contrast could be challenged by digitally printing white ink on black stock for the texts and the hangover cures could in reverse be printed on white stock with black ink. The cover will be high gsm black stock and debossed or laser printed with type so black foil can be added to create a foiled finish.  

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