Friday 16 November 2018

Research Layout : Live Streams

After receiving initial feedback on the idea and concept of a Netflix extension. This encouraged me to research existing live stream software and applications that already exist to spark considerations into layout and format. Researching live streams informed the design decision to use a room within Netflix and works well to incorporate multiple features such as chat and video conferencing. 

Research revealed different applications and software still all use a similar design layout or format. A menu bar option normally appears at the bottom of the screen and on the left or right hand side. A chat feature is also incorporated in a column format below or to one side of the application. Although Facebook and Instagram is most successful at incorporating these features due to the aesthetic of the combined features blending into the application which is the aim instead of appearing visually as separated elements. This is achieved aesthetically by blending the background, or having one consistent background colour or format used throughout the application. A clear comparison of this can be seen between Twitch and Facebook LIVE. 



Live Stream Player 


Facebook Live

Instagram Live

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