Friday 30 November 2018

Design for Screen : Final Outcome

To check the efficiency and usability of the app a prototype was created using Adobe XD. This brought the wireframes to life through animated transitions between each artboard.  This effectively created an interactive storyboard, to show how the app's navigation would work on screen through animation. This effectively shows how the user interacts with the extension. 

Using XD worked more effectively to demonstrate the storyboard of the app in terms of user interaction. Adobe XD allowed the user to interact with the navigation of the app, whereas with static storyboards this is more difficult to show. In terms of design for screen, Adobe XD was the most appropriate way to present the design. 

It was essential to create wireframes of the design for both mobile and desktop so the design can be scaled appropriately to be viewed in a browser and mobile or tablet. The design establishes how not every screen needs a title, navigation can be made simpler through the use of an icon as seen in the design. The content area was also considered it needed to be clear and concise and use the existing Netflix UI to engage familiarity within the user experience.

The functionality of navigation improved with the location of the menu bar being located at the bottom of the screen. This is due to being the easiest location for the user to engage with when operating the extension, in particular on a handheld device such as mobile or tablet. The design is appropriate for the wide audience or persona, inclusive of family, friends, and couples. 

The use of a new icon lets the user know that the design is an extension of the existing Netflix application. The design incorporates sophisticated interaction techniques, such as click-and-pull scrolling and multiple selections, to enhance the user’s experience.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Development : High Fidelity Wireframe

After recieveing further feedback I initially sketched out further development of the Netflix    ROOM extension. In the format of a low fidelity wireframe, which was later developed digitally. The development included making the extension appropriate for a wider audience. Initially the design focused on couples now the extensions persona is accessible and usable to friends, family and couples. 

The wireframe story board aims to demonstrate how the user would navigate through the enhanced features such as, personalised profiles and film matching, connect with contacts and video call. The tone of voice aims to follow the clean and consistent existing style used by Netflix but still be recognisable as an extension. It was essential the extension did not try to rebrand Netflix.

The wireframe sketches were essential as Netflix can be viewed on a browser or on a larger screen such as a laptop or tablet. This meant it was important the design could be appropriately scaled up from the mobile version. The larger dimensions also affected the layout. Sketches enabled making the design appropriate across a range of screen sizes. After sketching out developments these were then produced digitally, before producing high-fidelity wireframes. 

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Only Studio : Design for Screen

 A Studio Based in Manchester

Some clients include:
- Goldsmith's University 
- Sony Music
- Lost Village 
- Mercedes 

Things we hear
I'm not very technical 

Design for Screen 

- It's exciting, fast-paced. It is important, a primary means of consuming a brand, experimental and interactive 

- It creates character 

- Using animation and motion to create a better experience for the user 

- Brings brands to life 


Only Studio Design Process




Thoughts on digital longevity?
Digital more lasting than print, on average digital design can last 5-10 years. But as brands and technology evolve this will ultimately result in continuous changes throughout a digital product or design's lifespan.  

Is experimentation limited?
Not necessarily but accessibility considerations are important.

How do you find working with a developer?
Working as a small team more effective and being only designers the business models/designs not affected by developers.

How do logistics work by getting clients and maintaining them?
The majority of work comes through referrals and word of mouth after completing a few good jobs to a high standard. 

Friday 23 November 2018

Design for Screen : The Brief

Design for Screen : Silent Crit

How easy would it be to use?
The user has been considered and it's easy to understand.
Would be easy to use because everyone knows how to use Netflix - looks like it would also work across both mobile and desktop.

Does the layout reflect the idea?
The layout reflects the idea and is easy to use.

What could be improved?
Instead of limiting the design or extension suitable just for couples, make it also appropriate to friends and family. 
Could a notification appear once someone wants to watch something with you.
Don't limit user profiles to couples or types of couples this discounts some. Making the extension also suitable for friends and family would resolve this issue. 

Has the user been considered?
The user has been considered and it's easy to understand.

Do you understand it?
Has been considered and easy to understand.

"Not sure you need a subscription for couples, I think it would be better just as a feature on Netflix where you can connect with people including couples, friends and family."

"The concept is really strong, I like the idea of being able to video chat while watching something and for it to be synchronised so you can watch something with no delay."

"The user has been considered and it's easy to understand."

"Could you have a special pop up or opening screen that advertises this new feature? when you open the app for instance."

"Can you get notifications someone wants to watch something with you."

- Instead of a couple subscription just a sharing feature enabling wider usage among both friends and families as well as couples.

- Create a pop up for start up screen advertising the sync feature.

- Show a notification example "user x wants to watch something with user"

- Change him and her to personalised sharing users. 

Monday 19 November 2018


With the knowledge gained from Apple User Interface guidelines I was able to sketch then digitally produce low fidelity wireframes. My research into apple guidelines helped inform decisions on scale, orientation and layout etc. 

Mobile application - low fidelity digital wireframe 

Desktop version