Thursday 10 May 2018

Typographic Flags with Imagery

For further development I experimented with the inclusion of imagery within my typographic designs. This allowed me to further experiment with layout and imagery relating to my chosen genre, pop-reggaeton. 

What are the intentions? 
To produce a typographic design that represents the background and culture of the genre through imagery. Whilst also visualising the audio and sound of the music through the structured typeface. The typeface also visualises the explicit nature of the genre by the pixelated aesthetic of the type. 

How can this be achieved?
The typeface and relevant imagery. The colour scheme also relates more to the explicit censored theme than the generic red green and yellow associated with 'reggae.' This creates a more subtle link to the genre. 

How does this answer the brief?
This establishes a clear aesthetic and visual language for the the design. 

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