Saturday 12 May 2018

Crit & Further Development of Object


Feedback revealed the digital presentation of the idea was effective but would be improved by making it more simplistic visually giving each foot a clearer sequence or labelled 1,2,3,4 etc. This included removing any unnecessary shapes contained within the floor plan such as the solid square contained within the image. After further development feedback received confirmed the simplistic approach to the final design worked better over the more complex original design. 

- Refine to make steps more simplistic l1 l2 l3 l4 
- Get rid of squares solid square this distracts the object visually  
- Make into the format of a vinyl sticker A1 size so the vinyl printed feet can be actual size 

What are the intentions? 
To produce an engaging interactive object inspired by reggaeton dance. 

How can this be achieved?
Designing a dance floor plan with a step by step guide to the audience 

How does this answer the brief?
This produces an engaging object inspired and relative to the genre, pop reggaeton. 



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