Tuesday 22 May 2018

Final Crit : Feedback

Feedback received was mixed but highlighted some opportunities and ideas for further development which I was able to consider. Feedback included agreed the choice of colour scheme gave the designs an aesthetic appropriate to the genre. Although comments suggested I perhaps should have stuck to purely the three or two tone colour instead of having two variations. 

This may have been more appropriate after taking these comments into to consideration this decision perhaps would have made the designs more appropriate as a set. The feedback identified how well the stickers worked in good contrast with the rest of the design. Although feedback suggested perhaps using vinyl for the cassette stickers would have been more effective by making the colour more predominant. Feedback received how well the typeface visualised the censored explicit theme and nature of the genre. 

Overall I got some useful feedback to consider further developments with some positive feedback highlight the successes within design and production. 

What are the intentions? 
Gain insight into improvements and development approaches as well as highlighting positive factors  based upon the design and production. 
How can this be achieved?
Through peer feedback and considering both positive and negative feedback as a way of improving. 
How does this answer the brief?
This shows consideration to alternative approaches, development, self reflection or critique as a way of improving. 

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