Saturday 12 May 2018

Crit & Further Development of Cassette Packaging

Cassette Packaging Ideas 

- Circle sticker 

- Stickers alphabet of typeface

- x and symbol stickers to censor lyrics 

- Sans serif type used to pair with own typeface design for a sticker 

- Concertina layout side a and b track title - lyrics or possible jCard layout  

Sticker set containing the alphabet of the typeface which could be used as shapes to censor lyrics alternatively shapes are also contained within the sticker set. 

Vinyl Sticker JCard inside or insert 

Production Mock up 

Possible development alternative colours not just red, but also yellow and green. Typeface paired with a sans serif typeface. 

What are the intentions? 
To offer alternative approaches to packaging and inserts that relate to the censor theme, whilst making the packaging more interesting and interactive.

How can this be achieved?
By containing inserts that cause intrigue like the Spanish and english explicit lyric layout or the more interactive and engaging sticker insert. 

How does this answer the brief?
Packaging that relates to the concept and theme in an interesting way. 

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