Saturday 12 May 2018

Crit & Further Development of Flag

Typographic Flag

Inspiration and further development came from diagonal typographic Flag as identified by feedback as the strongest outcome and composition. Experimenting with layout gave the aesthetic of how lyrics can often be displayed solidly left aligned. 

Below are a few mock up layouts I experimented with, containing lyrics. 

Other Development 

 Explicit words a focal point highlighted in my typeface design. Justified by flipping the censored approach to draw clear attention to the explicit lyrics which could be censored. 

Dem Brow - 4/4 BPM

Refined Idea

The slanted typography visualises the generic slanted aesthetic of type on most album cover's for the genre. The textured line acts as a rough stroke to censor the lyrics. The colour scheme references the generic colours associated with 'reggaeton'. This colour scheme proved most effective in visualising both the genre and explicit or censored theme. Whilst the 4x4 Reggaeton generic beat or (Dem Brow) was visualised through the formal language of scale. The first 4 lines of the lyrics have a larger scale and the last four lines have a slightly smaller scale, this aims to represent reggaetons generic 4x4 beat.   

Grid used:

Further development included stretching the type closer to the edges making it larger which improved and adding the finishing touches to the design. The less textured approach to the censored squiggle or line was more appropriate to the form of production being vinyl stickers, as the textured line would not be as effective in sticker form due to the fine detail it contains. 

What are the intentions? 
Produce a flag visualising the genres heritage to Latin America and Spanish lyrics whilst still visualising the censored theme. 

How can this be achieved?
Using line as a formal element to translate the idea of censored lyrics. The generic colour scheme also relates well to the genre and the genre's general associations.

How does this answer the brief?
This design fits the concept and theme through an interesting typographic approach.

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