Friday 4 May 2018

Other Group Presentations


Group 1 - Metronome

-       Strong type
-       Good concept linked well to all design work
-       Nice colour scheme linked well to the concept – one pantone colour relevant to all micro-genre bpm
-       Very cost effective
-       Clean layout of exhibition plan

Group 2 - Phonic Depot

-       Unique practical approach to the design work – concept
-       Stencil typeface strong aesthetic and fits with the concept well
-       Nice alternative approach to social media by including facts relevant to micro-genres
-       All elements especially the curation of the exhibition plan well thought out

Group 3 - Three point eight

-       Consistently curated relating to the concept
-       Nice alternative approach brought to the practical work – embossing
-       Good that the concept involves an interactive element

Our Group Feedback

- There are too many ranges of typefaces this would set the aesthetic better 
- Logo not fitting of the concept 
- Too many references needs to be more refined 
- The invite posters and the exhibition plan worked
- Social media doesn't really show what the work is 
- The stickers work well to promote the brand - use these for everything 
- These could be used on social media 
- Stickers - cheap format easy to produce 
- Type on the invites should be on the other side so it's the first thing you read 


- Refine the concept to one idea
- Make the decision on one typeface for the logo and a body text type 
- Push the sticker idea further to use all the 
- Make the catalogue one colour or three individual set colours 
- The poster could be one solid colour and the stickers could contain the information 
- We need to get rid of the warped aesthetic and go for the sticker idea across all contexts

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