Wednesday 31 January 2018

Studio Brief 1 : Refinement of Ideas

After feedback received from the first critique I was able to view other people's work, seeing how others interpreted the brief proved helpful. This gained me more of an insight into abstract ways to tackle the brief. Whilst gaining feedback on how to refine my initial ideas presented, I decided I would prefer to take some considerations and aspects from initial thoughts and feedback and develop ideas that were slightly more abstract and refined. After viewing other work it also spurred my research into existing contemporary Graphic Design. This research gave me a broader outlook and approach to elements such as type and colour. Some of my ideas can be seen below. 

Idea inspired by modern contemporary design with an abstract response to the brief.

Adapted the type to fit 9x9 grid and created a more simplistic visual representation of the connection or network using lines. 

Network and connection inspired idea using a handmade grid system.

Shapes and abstract contemporary approach to design.

Visual poetry inspired idea whilst creating type that relates to 'music' further inspiration came from Typographic and Swiss Poster Design.

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