Wednesday 31 January 2018

Studio Brief 1 : Analysis of Regarding the Pain of Others Susan Sontag

To further my research I analysed a few chapters from 'Regarding the Pain of Others.' This text describes how our perception forces us to analyse visual meaning. As well as how depictions can be manipulated whilst creating interest. Edmund Burke observed people like to look at images of suffering. An example of which is seen in how repulsive images can strike the feeling of allure and curiosity. Our self conscious thoughts can provoke ideas by mental function such as by reactions i.e. anger. Declining a more common or cliche idea can prove resultant in a far more interesting outcome. 

Knowledge both new and existing can also help with the promotion of ideas making the concept and idea more understandable. Imagining a subject as more than just a subject but as a transfiguration can help create a broader outlook. Whilst also making other considerations such as the target audience to understand whom your idea relates to. Where there is a certain level of acceptance within culture for example mayhem can be seen as entertaining rather than shocking to many people in most modern culture. A cynical outlook will only provide cynical views so it is best to present ideas in the most positive way possible. 

On a similar note just because an idea is presented that does not mean it is the only or right way of generating that idea. Everyone's emotional response is different, therefore what one person understands as their visual meaning may completely different to another persons meaning or perception. Different feelings also evoke different responses. 

Existing concepts and aspects also influence ideas as this is a way of conversing and referring to a subject for further inspiration. Although ideas that have the best impact can create feeling, interaction and emotion to the viewer. Elements of design such as imagery can also be drained of their force or impact by the way it is used. The effectiveness of an image is hugely dependant on how it can be used. In the form of a poster this can include how type works with or as an image and what effect this can create. An image-glut keeps attention light, mobile and relatively indifferent to content. Whilst image flow precludes a privileged image. The content used within design is no more than a stimulant to the idea. A reflective engagement with content reflects a certain intensity of awareness and knowledge. 

"According to highly influential analysis, we live in a "society of spectacle." Each situation has to be turned into a spectacle to be real - that is, interesting to us. Even people inspire to be like images whilst images can present visual information factually there is also a sense of fantasy that can be created and manipulated visually in the form of imagery. "Reality has abdicated." Jean Baudrillard, believes images and simulated realities are all that exist now. How images are presented to us can also create different visual meaning. For example the media has great power to present images and videos of major tragedies over national television which can create a wide range of emotional responses due to the vast audience they are presented to. 

Modern and traditional forms also effect visual meaning as each have their own elements and developments which may cause disagreement and debate. Although debate is healthy and can help spur on new ideas traditional more uniform elements and approaches may be less adaptive to new and contemporary strategies which in design may lead to problems, such as being narrow minded. 

The Sarajevans demonstrated how an idea can be expressed and be personal whilst still making the idea unique. However there was a disagreement amongst another photo journalist Paul Lowe who had an exhibition of his photos showing Somalia a few years earlier and then the ongoing destruction of their city which offended the Sarajevans. Due to the fact their sufferings had been placed alongside other peoples sufferings as if to compare them. Their view was it was seen intolerable to have one's own suffering twinned with anybody else's. This allowed me to reflect visual meaning with cultural influence must be carefully considered and how powerful emotion can be both visually and consciously. 

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