Wednesday 31 January 2018

Studio Brief 1 : Analysing Other Contemporary Graphic Design Poster

To gain further knowledge and understanding of the brief I researched existing examples of contemporary Graphic Design Posters. This gave me further insight into how type and imagery is used. As well as further understanding of the elements such as type and imagery and how this can be given a greater and stronger visual meaning with a more successful and well-thought out design. It is important both the type and imagery work collaboratively and the type does not look out of place within an image in order for a poster to be most successful. Below are some examples of contemporary graphic design I will analyse to which will prove beneficial for my research and own design process. 

The type used for this poster fits well with the printed theme, style or appearance. The bold black colour of the type makes the type legible and a focal point to the viewer drawing the viewer in against the colourful background and imagery. Whilst the imagery is fairly simple it is very strong and creates a strong impact against the black type. Although perhaps a brighter background may create more collaboration between the elements of the design i.e type and image as the pastel shade of yellow creates a sense of dullness to the image. Where a brighter shade of yellow or alternative colour may be more effective.  

The monochrome format in combination with negative space also creates a bold statement and more impacting image. The design elements work in great harmony as the text is contained within the image and does not appear as separate elements. This creates a powerful layout demonstrating how elements can work together and not just separately to create a successful outcome. Perhaps further development could be made by highlighting a single element using colour to draw attention to either type or a focal point of an image. This could create a more interesting concept.   

This poster plays more on formal elements such as shape and colour using theories such as contrast of hue and saturation to make the image appear more striking. Negative space also gives the image a more distinct quality. Whilst the contrasting use of colour creates the feel of severity and can be used to promote intrigue within the audience or viewers. The monochrome border of type is easily legible and the positioning and layout fits with the image but if the image was removed the type own it's own would not be as impactive. The type works as it reflects the high contrast element reflected in the imagery. 

With strong use of typography both for content and to create imagery. Whilst also using other techniques such as single colour to draw attention and focus to the viewer. The large bold type creates interesting imagery which is easily legible. However the smaller text challenges legibility due to the size and background. Developments could improve this by slightly increasing the type size and colour to a higher contrast hue such as white, which may improve legibility.   

Another example of strong typography to present the idea behind the poster. The bold simple type works well alongside negative space and contrasting colour. The shape is created using the characters from the type. The content type fits nicely into the imagery created by the enlarged type. This poster plays on the idea of scale and type mainly. The enlarged type and unique composition makes the poster more intriguing. Although the content type is placed within the image it could perhaps be placed in a more interesting composition than block text and perhaps match in some way the layout or system used to create the enlarged type. 

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