Wednesday 31 January 2018

Silent Critique

After further refinement I chose the sets that I thought worked best. The feedback I received helped me consider ways I could refine and develop the ideas further. I decided the typographic imagery worked better than the Illustrations created in Illustrator mainly due to the strong impact the visual poetry images created. Feedback I received was mainly positive, such as comments of my "strong use of typography","good exploration of hierarchy", "visually interesting" but I also received some good constructive criticism to alter and develop my ideas further for further refinement.  

The feedback received highlighted the designs met the mandatory requirements set out in the brief from other people's perspectives and not just my own. Although my book cover designs challenge the basic attributes of a book cover such as the authors name and title on the spine these were some comments highlighted in my feedback. However the reason for this is to make the book more intriguing and interesting whilst also standing out against competitors. The idea is that the readers will have to take the book off the shelf to find out more....  

The pink colour scheme was a way of visually linking the books as a set or series as they all fit into different genres. The most feedback I received drew attention to the layout and composition of the blurb and perhaps create the blurb in a shape for an example an object associated with the book. With this feedback in mind I started to refine the designs further by experimenting with the layout of the blurb. For example I creates Gossip Girl's blurb into the shape of the Empire State building a key landmark in the place the book is set. For the other books I will do the same as it made the design more effective and creates an effective set of book designs using purely type i.e. visual poetry.

However other feedback identified using all pink as a set was not really necessary as all the designs are visually consistent irrespective of colour. Feedback received informed me of perhaps altering the colour choice as pink was seen as "the wrong colour for A Game of Thrones." To solve this problem I will use my knowledge of contrast of saturation colour theory to experiment with shades. Experimenting with a darker pinker slightly red toned may portray A Game of Thrones better. This relates by creating a darker feel to the genre of A Game of Thrones whilst also remaining visually consistent as a set. Alternatively if this doesn't work all the other elements of the design work as a set so the colours don't necessarily have to be the same. Therefore I could also experiment with completely different colours for each book. 

Other feedback I received commented on my use of the familiar TV Series Titles or Logos used for the titles in my book design. This was to visualise a link to the books developing into successful TV Series. However some suggestions included experiment by "creating my own typeface." Which was a good idea however this feedback, and speaking to my tutor gave me the idea to incorporate the visual poetry already used as imagery for the book to contain the titles. This creates a more harmonious design where the type and imagery combine and interact as one. The type not being a separate element means the  type is not just there for no reason but also interacts more with the design. 



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