Wednesday 31 January 2018

Initial Thoughts Studio Brief 1

Design a poster that engages, challenges, questions & surprises 

Idea Generation 

Starting points...

Aim : Suggest an auditory experience with ideas of social and technological interaction.

Research Edward De Bono - how he writes about thinking this generates ideas 

"You can analyse the past to design the future." 

"Lateral thinking - instant judgement is the enemy of creativity"

Task 1 

Text Door Neighbour - was a great idea for a task as a starting point. Unfortunately mine did not respond!

In theory...
No is skepticism 
Yes is belief 
Po is possibility 

De Bono generates an idea in two stages
1. Generating provocations (PO)
2. Movement from a provocation to a new idea

Principles and Methods that can be used to generate a PO:
- Escape : something for granted drop it 
- Reversal
- Distortion : change a sequence or relationship
- Exaggeration 
- Wishful thinking : wouldn't it be nice if....
- Random word : associate random word with a place?

Look into Deconstruction Movement 

Research contemporary graphic design and existing work such as French currents of the letter by Cranbrook. Showing how design can break basic conventions such as books.  

Have a broader range of thinking don't limit thinking to an individual subject. Consider not just interior self but also external agencies.

Possible variables include: 
- colour
- size
- typeface 
- symbols 
- grid 
- positioning 
- length 

Cell Phone Symphony Word Association 

Mobile Phones : texts, calls, noise, silent 
Music : notes, A,B,C, letters, symbols
Sound : waves, vibrations, voice recognitions 

Auditory Experience
- listening 
- hearing 
- sounds 
- notifications 
- silent 
- colour theory
- modern
- network
- collaboration
- connection
- together

Initial Idea Sketches: 

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