Tuesday 23 January 2018

Peer Review

Through discussion and small peer reviews I was able to make modifications to my work based upon suggestions from my peers. I was given some interesting suggestions and improvements to make in order to improve my designs. Some improvements to make include experimenting with more suitable colours that fit the books better pink doesn't really fit Game of Thrones or find a shade of pink used in a costume for the TV series to reference my colour choice. experiment again with white imagery as this creates greater contrast. 

As well as playing with the layout of the blurb to make the back of the book more intriguing and exciting. I also experimented with extending the type used in the imagery to create less of a harsh line and more of a wrap around style to match the other books in the series. I also received some feedback that I didn't really need the TV Logo as the title could be taken from my bold typographic image. In some ways having the TV logo as well took away from the strong image.

Below are some images of refinements made after my peer review and feedback:

Before Feedback:

After Feedback:

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