Sunday 10 December 2017

Historical Research : Game of Thrones Impact Contextually and on Modern Society

Game of Thrones is a series of five novels set in the genre of epic fantasy. The series of books inspired the HBO box set TV Series. Written by author George R. R. Martin the book series shared the same success as the inspired TV series and proved very popular. 
It was stated :

“One of the best series in the history of fantasy.”—Los Angeles Times

“Long live George Martin . . . a literary dervish, enthralled by complicated characters and vivid language, and bursting with the wild vision of the very best tale tellers.”—The New York Times

Impacts on Society

-Denial of Climate Change 
-Political Corruption
-Rise of The Female Archetype
-Religious Extremism 
-Capitalism and Neo-Feudalism 
-Fear of the Other 
-Consciousness Shift 

The Book and TV Series was also seen to have a huge impact on Society. It highlights seven major impacts on modern society. These can include the Denial of Climate Change, we can see this through the denial of climate change through the isolation of the men at 'the wall' in severe cold climatic conditions. This makes us consider whether our lifestyle has an effect on climate change and how this impacts the environment. The series also increases our awareness of Political Corruption this can be seen throughout the series where those in power further their aims at the cost of everyone else. This is represented in modern day government and contributes to the lack of ability to trust those in power even today such as the President, Donald Trump. The series also demonstrates the Rise of The Feminine Archetype in the series we see women go from victims to predominantly running seven kingdoms. This reflects onto modern society as societies have been predominantly governed by masculine energy or men. 

Religious Extremism can also be seen throughout the series shown as the Sparrows show means of violence and or extreme actions throughout the series. This was seen as Cersai was punished for her sins. The violent methods used by the Sparrows are not to distant from actions we sometimes see in modern society from Islamic state groups the atmosphere and anxiety they create is similar in some ways to issues within modern day. Capitalism and Neo-Feudalism also impacts society this shows the advancing of the rich at the cost of the poor it presents similarities in modern day society and can be termed as Neo-Feudalism. Fear of the 'Other' has an impact this is seen as the unknown in the series can be seen as the impending threat of the Dothraki, This proves societies generalised fear of the unknown and how we forge perceptions or presumptions of targeted groups based on aspects such as religion sex and gender. Examples of common target groups of society can include Jews and homosexuality.  

Finally a Consciousness Shift can have an impact. Modern day prophets have noted a “consciousness shift”allegedly occurring since the 1960’s, and there is evidence to suggest we could be dramatically shifting on a global scale, energetically, spiritually and even genetically. This is reflected throughout the series again seen in the power of women and the evolvement of life such as how Daenery's abolishes slavery. 

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