Friday 1 December 2017

First Critique : Colour Publication

Initial First Draft Publication

After reflecting on my work I decided this layout and bound form did not work well for the presentation of this publication. I need to focus less on layout, and focus more on making the publication more interactive by using lose sheets and spacing out my experiments.   

Feedback received

The feedback I received about the content and description was generally good. One person commented how my writing explains the theory well and fully describes the test. Also identifying how the link between the practical and theory work is clear and shows the theory in an interesting way. 

"Overall your work is very successful in communicating your ideas, you have been playful in how you have explained the theory. To develop it further, I would produce more hand rendered work using more hand rendered work using more fruits to have more experimental work." 

With the feedback received I am able to develop my work and ideas further in a better format that will present my ideas in the most suitable way. Whilst also giving me a couple of ideas for new experiments I could relate to my ideas and chosen theories. 

Ideas for further development 

Other examples of work that I thought worked well and I could incorporate aspects into my own ideas.

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