Monday 4 December 2017

Grids : Muller-Brockmann Grid systems

Joseph Muller-Brockmann's work mainly focuses on using a grid system in order to master all aspects of design accurately and efficiently. Also enabling designers to gain knowledge of solutions through working practice. Grids are important to consider when doing any design work, enabling a successful and proficient layout. Muller Brockmann is well known for his outlook on grids or grid systems. Brockmann provides a set of guidelines for the use of grid systems with 8 to 32 grid fields making it suitable for use in most projects. Brockmann’s work is recognized for its simple designs and his clean use of fonts, shapes and colours, which still inspires many graphic designers throughout the world today. Since the 1950s grid systems help the designer to organize the graphic elements and have become a worldwide standard. Brockmann as a professional made his book for other professionals such as design students as an aid for layout and grid systems.

Using a grid system enables a designer to be honest within their design resources. Dealing with problems at hand and analysing them. Fostering analytical thinking and creating a material and logical solution. There are a number of reasons for using a grid system some of which include the following. Economically saves time and money as problems can be solved in lower amounts of time using this system. Rationally problems can also be solved in a charismatic and uniform style. A systematic approach also offers design solutions to problems.

Overall the main purpose of Brockmann’s grid system is mainly the reduction of visual elements, incorporation into a grid system creates the feel of complex planning and clarity within design giving a sense of order. This order adds creditability and can induce confidence to a viewer or reader. Any difficulties a reader has means loss of quality in communication which may also effect memorability. Therefore, aspects such as width of columns should be considered. There is a rule that applies stating a column is easy to read if it has ten words per line.

Leading is another important aspect within grid systems. It is an important factor in order to obtain harmonious and functional type that works aesthetically. Whilst also considering margin proportions. Research revealed margins of the same size will never make an interesting page layout instead create a dull uninteresting impression. For the construction of the type area aspects must be considered such as how much type must be accommodated and what the nature of the type is. In pictures the upper and lower edges of an image must align with the ascenders and descenders of the text.

The grid system is in place purely to make an interesting, contrasting and dynamic arrangement of images and text in a layout that proves serviceable and successful. Using Brockmann’s grid system make a design powerful and striking and used in the many aspects of visual art and or communication. The grid system meets the demands of aesthetic quality and ordered structure to satisfy viewers and designers.

“The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.” - Josef Müller-Brockmann

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