Monday 29 April 2019

SB2 Crit

Feedback received offered further consideration into the format and the method of distribution. The developed outcome is digital but feedback encouraged me to challenge the digital concept by physically producing the publication by printing it. To reveal the amended publication another page was added asking the reader did they spot the errors and to reveal the updated publication visit the Instagram page. The design itself received positive feedback as the aesthetic created the right balance between being designed and being informative. The design itself made the publication interesting and engaging to an audience. Further experiments with include exploring physical human error in the printed production of the publication. The printed publication will also make deliberate physical errors such as binding, trimming and the layout of the publication.

Further developments:
- Add see updated version page
- The design has a lovely aesthetic and balance between being designed and informative
- Social media is a nice progression
- Experiment with a printed version with deliberate physical errors

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