Wednesday 17 April 2019

SB1 Production Screenprint : Mapping

Screen printing was the most appropriate production method, however during this process different stock was used to explore a range of outcomes. Using a range of stock explored colour further, by printing on coloured stock this changed the appearance of the design. This was most notable in the prints on bright and pale pink stock. 

The design was printed on A3 stock but was cut down to a square format. This format was more appropriate to the aesthetic of a map. Feedback received also highlighted which coloured stock worked best, most students agreed the pale pink stock worked best as the background colour harmonised with the other tone of pink within the design. 

The photography of the shoes bitmapped worked well as it created a predominant pattern but remained recognisable as shoes. The different types of shoes created more depth by visualising different places throughout the route in a unique way, through the use of objects that aren’t all identical. The inclusion of my own photography made into a pattern works well to create a more abstract approach to mapping. A map that is less literal creates a sense of intrigue amongst an audience. 

The design has no type but instead uses imagery and pattern to create variation within the map. The design took most of it’s visual reference from the Uber mapping system. The pattern itself took visual reference from how shopping centre maps are blocked out often using block shapes. The pattern was created by blocking out shapes along the route on a standard map. 

Overall the screen printing method was effective and the final outcome worked well as the colour choice and light pink stock harmonised with all the elements within the design. Whilst the square layout and format with surrounding negative space created a visual the audience can focus on. The minimalist style with surrounding space can be seen as high impact due to this focus. 

Digital Positives

Digital Outcome


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