Friday 26 April 2019

Final Outcome : Format considerations

The final outcome successfully visualises the concept and appropriate format considerations made the publication successful in methods of distribution whilst effectively visualising the topic. The iBook format showcases the publication in use whilst the Instagram showcases an alternative method of distribution and how the audience can engage with the publication.

The deliberate errors made throughout the publication can include errors based on scale, layout, colour, typefaces and digital errors.  The deliberate errors worked well to visualise the human error element of the concept. The minor and major errors aimed to visually show how even small errors can be a bigger issue in terms of medicine. The publication also aims to show that it is much less apparent and errors are less likely to occur with this use of technology. As AI technology reduces the risk of human error we should be for the topic.Engaging with doctors and spreading their positive opinions on the topic via the e-publication this is a way of encouraging and informing an audience on the positives surrounding the topic. Even those who were perhaps initially opposed to it. The use of the deliberate errors effectively visualises the concept and also creates a publication the audience can engage with. Creating an engaging publication makes it more interactive, making the publication even more successful and appropriate of the topic discussed. 

The development of another digital platform amending the errors worked well as this created another digital method of distribution. The attachment of a digital platform amending the errors also creates a greater sense of intrigue amongst the audience as most people once they know there’s an error they need to know what and where they are. The Instagram successfully builds on the concept and distributes the positive impact of the topic, using the most appropriate method for spreading the message, through social media and digitally. 



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