Wednesday 24 April 2019

Gathering Research : Survey & Findings

As a method and approach to gathering primary research I interviewed Doctors as they have perhaps the most knowledge of robots used in medicine in the format of a survey. The questions where based on will doctors be eventually replaced by robotic technology and can this sort of technology be beneficial to Doctor's by reducing the risk of human error. The findings of this survey were interesting as the feedback was fairly balanced with for and against answers for every question. These findings provided interesting content for further development of design work. The fact the survey was targeted purely towards Doctor's and their response made the findings even more beneficial to the topic. 

Survey Questions
  1. Do you think robots in medicine effectively reduces the risk of human error?
  2. Who is responsible if something goes wrong with a surgeon operating on a patient through a robot?
  3. Do you think robots will ever replace doctors entirely?
  4. Do you think robotic surgery has a positive or negative impact on the patient? 
  5. What are the main feelings that occur as a doctor as a result of human error? 
  6. Do you believe a robot operated by a doctor can reduce risk more than an assisted doctor?
  7. Do you think the operation costs of robotics in medicine would be better spent in another area of medicine? 
  8. Do you think robotic technology increases human productivity? 

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