Friday 26 April 2019

Design Development : Human Error e-Publication

After careful format consideration a digital outcome was the most appropriate outcome and method of distribution in relation to the topic. The findings from the survey were interesting as only Doctor's were asked their opinions so this provoked thought into the best way of showcasing this which provided the idea of an e-publication. 

The idea most fitting of the technology based topic was the e-publication designed with the purpose of deliberately visualising human error. This idea was specific to e-publications as a digital application of the message and method of distributing was most appropriate. 
Developments also included making the survey findings suitable for this publication as the results showed both a for and against answer for each question the for argument is highlighted throughout the publication by the type being bolder and darker in colour. The human errors made throughout the publication can be seen amended on an alternative digital platform, Instagram. The errors also specifically relate to errors that are associated specifically with e-publications. 

The colour scheme was developed from a high contrast high impact monotone and single colour to the NHS colour scheme. The NHS colours of blue and white were fitting of the medical topic. The developed colour scheme also made the publication fit for purpose as visually the publication was more recognisable to an audience as to the topic it was based upon. This colour scheme also made the publication more suitable for distribution within medical practices or hospitals for patients or people unsure if they should be for or against the topic. The publication aims to convince the audience to be for the topic rather than opposed to it. 

The publication once developed was made suitable for an iBook so the e-publication could be read on an iPad or another apple device. Consideration to the format visualises the publication being read digitally.

For the typeface to visually fit with the topic and the theme of the publication it needed to be modern, futuristic and ideally sans serif. Futura met these requirements, even the name of the typeface made it suitable for visualising the topic of AI Robotics and human error. A modern aesthetic was essential to visualise through type

Error Publication 

Publication errors amended


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